The Kingdom of God is like...
Parables of Jesus |
Matthew |
Mark |
Luke |
Lamp under a bowl |
Wise and fooling builders |
New cloth on an old coat |
New wine in old wineskins |
Sower and the soils |
Weeds |
Mustard seed |
Yeast |
Hidden treasures |
Valuable pearl |
Net |
Owner of a house |
Lost sheep |
Unmerciful servant |
Workers in the vineyard |
Two sons |
Tenants |
Wedding banquet |
Fig tree |
Faithful and wise servant |
Ten virgins |
Talents (minas) |
Sheep and goats |
Growing seed |
Watchful servants |
Moneylender |
Good Samaritan |
Friend in need |
Rich fool |
Unfruitful fig tree |
Lowest seat at the feast |
Great banquet |
Cost of discipleship |
Lost coin |
Lost (prodigal) son |
Shrewd manager |
Rich man and Lazarus |
Master and his servant |
Persistent widow |
Pharisee and tax collector |